Saturday 10 November 2012

Hair Tips: How to Get Rid of Your Dry Hair


Everyone has bad hair days, but with dry hair you may have those terrible days waiting for you. If your hair seems to be extraordinarily dull and lifeless, then you have dry hair. Dryness in hair is primarily caused by lack of moisture and oils in the scalp. Sun, salt water, chlorine, heat, bitter cold, chemical treatments, bleach, harsh brushing, scorching hair dryers, hot curling or straightening irons, even poor nutrition or age can all dry and damage hair in a matter of months. If your hair feels rough, brittle, breaks easily, or lacks vibrant color and elasticity, your hair is too dry or has been damaged. Treating dry hair will not consume much of your time. You just need to know the structure of your hair and then look into the specific problem areas.
Here are the solutions or tips on how to repair and recover dry hair.

Change your Shampooing Routine

Shampoo is essential for hair care but it can also rid the hair of moisture and make it dry. Reduce your frequency of shampooing your hair and also use a mild shampoo recommended for dry hair.

Use Conditioner

Hair conditioners restore moisture to your hair and also maintain an optimum pH balance of hair. Conditioning your hair after shampooing can help you prevent your hair from getting excessively dry. Use a conditioner which is suitable for dry hair.

Oil Your Hair

This is a pretty obvious tip for people with dry hair. Oil your hair in the evening and leave it overnight. You can also wrap a towel soaked in hot water after applying oil in your hair so that your hair can be effectively moisturised.

Avoid Dying Your Hair

Chemical based dyes can further deprive your hair off moisture and make them even drier. Dyes can also give rise to other hair problems and they are best avoided.

Avoid Silicone based Shampoos

Shampoos that contain silicon or other forms of silicone should not be used by people with dry hair. Most silicon derivatives have ‘cone’ as their suffix such as Dimethicone and Cyclomethicone.

Apply Yogurt to Hair

Yogurt is hailed as one of the best natural conditioners for hair. Massage yogurt into your scalp and leave it for a few minutes before rinsing. You can also apply mayonnaise to get rid of dry hair.

Dietary Supplements

There are many dietary supplements which can help you have healthy hair naturally. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin B such as peas, beans, carrots, nuts and eggs. Another vitamin which is essential for healthy hair is Biotin or vitamin H which is present in brown rice, soyabeans and walnuts.
 ”With some smart strategies and a little tender care, dry hair can be managed and made to look softer and silkier while healthy hair grows in.”                                                                                    :) HTTP://

1 comment:

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