Saturday 10 November 2012

Increase your product sales with this affordable affiliate plugin

WordPress Affiliate Platform Plugin – Simple Affiliate Program for WordPress Blog/Site

It is a known fact that having an affiliate program is the most powerful way to market your products or services online (Read more on thebenefits of affiliate program).
If you own a WordPress blog/site and your answer to the following questions are ‘yes’ then the ‘WordPress Affiliate Platform’ is what you need:
  1. Do you sell products or services online from your WordPress blog/site?
  2. Do you want to increase your sales and explode your profits by using an affiliate program?
  3. Do you want to have your own affiliate program so you can cut the middle man and build your own brand?

Plugin Summary

The ‘WordPress Affiliate Platform’ is an easy to use WordPress plugin for affiliate recruitment, management and tracking that can be used on any WordPress blog or site. This plugin lets you run your own affiliate campaign/program and allows you to reward (pay commission) your affiliates for referred sales.
The admin can configure banners and links which the affiliates can use on their site to drive traffic to your site. All the clicks, leads, sales etc are tracked by this plugin.
If you are running online ad campaigns for your products and services then you can use the affiliate platform plugin to measure the true conversion rate of each campaign to find out the profitable ones. This allows you to weed out the non-profitable campaigns and save money in the process.
In a nutshell, the Affiliate Platform Plugin will help you achieve the following:
  • Launch your affiliate campaign in a short time.
  • Monitor clicks and conversions of visitors sent by your affiliates.
  • Maintain your brand with your own product Ad Banners and Links.
  • Drive more traffic to your landing/sales page from your Affiliate’s site.
  • Significantly BOOST revenue with more sales.

How It Works

Plugin Features

Some key features of the WordPress Affiliate Platform include:
  • wordpress icon

    Easy Installation

    Easy installation like any other WordPress plugin and very easy to use. Seamlessly integrates with your website’s look and feel.
  • graph icon

    Real Time Reporting

    Real time reporting. All data (clicks, sales, commissions) are tracked, computed and displayed realtime with no delay.
  • two-tier-affiliate-icon

    Two Tier Affiliate Structure

    Can be configured to use as a two-tier affiliate structure.
  • easy affiliate management

    Easy Affiliate Management

    View your affiliate details, commission level, account status etc. Easily change commission, edit affiliate details, view affiliate referrals, commissions and much more.
  • self managed affiliate area

    Self Managed Affiliate Area

    Your affiliates will be able to log into their affiliate account and get ad code, view referral, commission and payout details.
  • Autoresponder icon

    Autoresponder Integration

    It can be integrated with Autoresponders (AWeber, MailChimp, GetResponse). This way the affiliates automatically get signed up to your list/campaign for email marketing purpose.
  • Unlimited affiliate icon

    Unlimited Affiliates

    No limit on the number of affiliates you can have and no monthly fees to use this plugin!
  • Multisite icon

    Multi Site License

    When you buy the WP Affiliate Platform plugin you can use it on as many sites as you own (you gotta love that!). More details on the Affiliate plugin license can be found here.
  • wp shopping cart icon

    Easy Integration with Most WordPress Shopping Carts

    Integrates with most WordPress shoping carts including eShop, Shopp plugin, Cart66, WP Shopping Cart etc. Check the integration section on our documentation page to see the full details of the available pre-made integration options.
  • wordpress shopping cart icon

    Fully Integrates with WP eStore

    Fully integrates with the WordPress eStore(WordPress Shopping Cart) plugin.
  • external shopping cart icon

    Integrates with Some Hosted Shopping Carts

    Affiliate platform integrates with some hosted shopping carts like e-Junkie, FoxyCart, Ecwid etc. Check the integration section of our documentation page to see the full details of the available integration options.
  • wp-ecommerce icon

    Easy Integration with the Instinct’s WP-eCommerce Plugin

    Can be easily integrated with the GetShopped/Instinct’s WP-eCommerce plugin. See the integration steps.
  • wordpress wishlist member icon

    Can be Integrated with WishList Member plugin

    Can be easily integrated with the WishList Member plugin (Create Membership Site) when using with the WP eStore plugin.
  • developer affiliate integration

    Developer Integration

    Developers can integrate the affiliate plugin with any shopping cart or a plugin via the API (read the 3rd party integration post to understand what is involved in such an integration).
  • great support icon

    Great Support

    Tired of listening to fake support promises? Checkout our customer only forum to see how we handle product related issues (usually within 24 hours).
You can view the full list of WP Affiliate Platform features here

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