Friday 9 November 2012

The Bike Basket That Will Change Your Life


The Bike Basket That Will Change Your Life

 Leslie Horn
What's the best way to make your bike more useful? Easy. Add a basket. You'll never look back. Wald, a Kentucky-based bike company has been making this $20 basket since 1929, and slapping it on your cycle will be groundbreaking for your mobility
I'm speaking from experience—I recently added a basket to my old Trek and it has made my life so much easier. Now I'm riding it so much more because I actually have room to cart my crap around. With the Wald, you'll have to buy a mount as well, but it's worth it. Having the extra storage space is like the difference between hauling things around in the bed of a pickup truck and squeezing your crap into the passenger seat of a tiny two-door.

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